Intercultural Design - Projects

Intercultural Design
06/01/20 - 01/03/20 (Week 01 - Week 09)
Sia Man Sheng


Project 1 - Proposal
(Week 1-4)

In this module, we were given an opportunity to visit Tokyo, Japan for 7 days to study its culture and create an outcome of any sort based on our findings that interprets the given theme, 'Mythology'.

To prepare ourselves before going to Japan, we had to do thorough research of what we might encounter and what to expect from the culture there. Our research topic is focused on how the gods or kami offering protection to Japanese and how do the practices have blend into their daily routine. Along with 10 preliminary ideas. All compiled into a proposal that we had to present in class.

Slide 1: 1st Attempt of Proposal

After consultation with Ms.Anis, we have discussed on some aspect to be more focus on and questions to answer in order to get our topic deeper but not is only just on the surface.

1. What about the Okami god? (One word to describe Okami-protector)
2. Observe Tokyo! Anything but zen, look into the elements of Tokyo, for example, the cat decorations (different colours has different meanings?)
3. How do I put it in a modern lifestyle? In life/ office?
4. Shrine (Protection omamori, see other forms of adaptation in the form of protection.)
5. Do current Tokyo restaurants still practice Morishio? Maybe in other forms or modern version? Is it adapted to modern design?
6. Mythology is based on? What? Protection
7. How does Tokyo give the idea of protection?
8. Are there any other elements that offer protection?

Slide 2: Final Proposal

Oni Kawara
  • How is it being implied from monsters to roof tiles?
  • Besides anything about tiles, are there paintings that transmit the same idea?
  • High rise buildings, are there also elements of oni kawara?
Inari Okami
  • How to expand it towards design?
  • Does it repeated/ imply in the matter of in associate to inari?
  • Look at the visualization in modern Japan.
  • Despite modern japan, they still use inari as what?
  • Do they still practice it?
  • Has it been adapted to other things?
  • Why is it triangular shape?
  • Motives that refers to Morishio.

Project 2 - Data Collection
(Week 5-6)

In this week's presentation, we had to compile all of our findings from last week's trip. Ranging from photos, videos, interview notes to intangible findings.

Data Collection Methods

  • Site Exploration
  • Object Observation
  • Interview
  • Vlog
Aspect to be focus on
  • Morishio
  • Inari Okami
  • Oni Kawara

Slide 3: Data Collection Presentation Slide

Video 1: Vlog on the process of collecting data

Final Project 
(Week 7-9)

In our research, we found that many of the traditional spiritual practices are slowly being fazed out by modern society and living. The younger generation knows about these beliefs but are not interested in continuing the practice.

Hence, we decided to create an apparel brand called SHOU GEAR to reawaken and spark the spiritual belief and practice of protection in the lives of modern Japanese youth. We decided on clothing or streetwear as in this day and age, fashion and trends spread faster and wider amongst the youth in a short span of time.

Slide 4: Final Project Progression

Diagram 1: Compilation works

Diagram 2: Rationale

Diagram 3: T-shirt Deisgn - Front

Diagram 4: T-shirt Deisgn - Back

Diagram 5: T-shirt Deisgn

Diagram 6: Packaging Deisgn- Pop Up Diagram

Diagram 7: Packaging Design- Flip Over Page

Diagram 8: Packaging Design- External
Diagram 9: Overview of Packaging Design

Final Compilation

Slide 4: Final Compilation Slide


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